The Mision Rescate team have been busy working away in the village of Ite for the past week, involved in the ladies meeting and in charge of the young people's meeting tonight, Sunday School and afternoon service. They are making the most of the time through the day, with devotions in the morning and bible study in the afternoon , and a few trips to the beach as well.
If you remember me writing about Ite before, its a small town near the camp and conference centre, with people employed in a mix of government work and farming. Ite is up on a hill and its lovely looking down and seeing all these orange fields where the peppers are spread out drying in the sun, and who knows those sun dried peppers in Tesco could be from the fields of Ite. The team have been involved in evangelism in the town, chatting to people, handing out literature and spending time with the young people associated with the church. I sat one afternoon in the centre of the town and it was so sad to know that none of the people walking past me knew the hope of Jesus in their lives, and so many of them are suffering problems of alcoholism, abuse and violence. Numbers of young people coming to the church on Friday nights have been low. We did a survey of the young people in the village as a game one night (there was prices, it was fun) and many of the young people said they were interested in coming and in learning more about God, in fact many of them wanted to pray, but yet its difficult for them to take the step and come on the Friday night.
- Pray for the young people, that God would work in their hearts and help them in whatever is holding them back from coming
- Pray for the team as the plan for the meetings, that the programs would run smoothly and most importantly that they would be faithful to God's word and preach in spirit and in truth and be blessed in their times of study
- Pray for all those that attend the church that they would grow in their faith, that they would be like trees planted by stream of living water bearing fruit (Ps 1) and using the gifts God has given in the church and as they share their faith in Ite
- Pray for Trevor and Christine in their work and family and that God would continue to keep them healthy
- Pray for Luz Maria as she continues to keep the campsite running smoothly, in the planning for the team and for her upcoming operation.
- Pray for me with my up coming deputation, that I would settle home and be a witness in my workplace and family.

(Recent photos of the Team in the San Antonio Church for mother's Day)
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