Once again thank you for all your prayers, i´ve heard missionaries say before that they can feel when people are praying and i always thought to my self ´how would they know?´. Being here in Peru I can see the difference that prayer makes and see the impact of prayer so clearly.

(H´day bible club in Luz de Vida) (Young people in Luz de Vida)
We have had so many answers to prayer.
- the Mision Rescate team are working well together and learning from eachother
- the team enjoyed their time in Tacna and spending time with their families and havn´t been too homesick since returning to the campsite
- we had around 50 kids at the holiday bible club in Luz de Vida Church in Tacna
- the kids enjoyed themselves at the club and learned so much from the memory verses and from the story of Ruth and Boaz
- we had the opportunity to work with Pastor Fredy and the young people in Luz de Vida and help them in their ministry and we too were blessed by the relationships with the church
Please continue to pray for the children and young people we met in Luz de Vida, that what they have learned with excite their hearts and that God would continue to work in the lives. Luz de Vida is a small church in Tacna reaching a difficult area so pray that Pastor Freedy and his wife, Epifania, would remain strong and encouraged in the Lord.
Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
So what happening at the minute?
We have just started our second holiday bible club in Ite. The campsite that we are staying in is situated beside the small town of Ite and for the past 10 years Trevor and Christine Morrow, and others, have been planting a church there. There have been many blessings and difficulties in this work over the years, for example since i was last in Peru (2007) there was a fire in the building and the church has since been rebuilt. A church is much more than a building, however, and while people have come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour in Ite the number of people attending the chrurch at times is small and there is still a need for men and women in the church who can help lead and devolop the work in Ite. We praise God for the Sunday school and women´s meeting which has continued over the summer and for the young peoples meeting and men´s bible study and ask that God would bless those who attend.

(kids club in Ite)
Its exciting to be part of the work in Ite this week, and to see the 40 kids arriving for Holiday Bible Club yesterday. the kids were so excited to see us and were waiting at the door 40 minutes before club started shouting ´Mision Rescate, mision rescate´when we arrived.

Prayer points
- we telling the story of ruth and boaz so pray that we would faithfully explain the story and that the kids would know that they can have Redeemer and friend in Christ
- the the kids that come to club, many are from difficult homes and difficult family situations so pray that they would enjoy the club and the games and the songs and the quiz and time with the team
- many of the team havn´t worked with children before so pray that we would continue to learn and develop our gifts in children´s work
- that the team would continue to serve God with joy, place him first in our lives and be faithful to His word
And me, i love being here, i love Peru and the work that we´re involved in and spending time with the missionaries and national workers. Yet the more time i spend here the more i see the need for God to
So many of the stories i have heard this week break my heart. Stories of abusive homes, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy and families who are survivng on very little. One girl that i meet in 2007, in the sunday school is now 15 and 8 months pregnant and has a difficult family situation. Some of the ladies from Ite had a baby shower for her last week but before that she had nothing for the baby. Trevor and Christine work so hard in the campsite and in keeping the church in Ite going and trying to help in these situations but there is so much more that we could do. Continue to pray for the work here in peru, for the church in ite and that God would send new people to serve in Peru. Please continue to support and pray for our missionaries and for the many gifted and faithful peruvian workers associated with the mission here in Peru and if you would like more information contact Baptist Missions c/o the Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland.
Prayer points for me
- for for love for the people of peru
- for faithfulness in studying God´s word and my personall devotions. I miss sermons and prayer meetings and devotionals where i understand all the words!
- for my spanish, trying to tackle past tense this week, so prayer is needed
- for more opportunities to talk about the bible and faith with the people i meet
Luke 10 : 9“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Jude, this is a fantastic account of the recent team activities and insights into the reality of life for so many Christian brothers and sisters in Peru. You are involved in a great work - don't be surprised that difficulties come! God bless