(kids at camp)
It has been great to spend time with the different families at the beach, doing the obstacle course, treasure hunts round Ete and the most inventive photo competition i have ever seen. The teams put so much work into everything they´ve been asked to do including kissing crabs, dressing up like pirates and reenacting Titanic! The holiday bible club has gone really well and the team have learnt so much whilst having fun with the kids. After kids club the kids go to the main meeting and stand at the front to say their memory verse and sing for their family one of the songs we have learnt in kids club. it has been great to see their enthusiam and to see how much they have remembered from the bible lessons and verses.

(Obstacle course)
Matt 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find

(One of the team at camp)
Pray for the families who have come to camps, that they will have been encouraged in their walk with God and are better equipped to follow in His Way. Please pray for the kids at camp that the things they have learnt will have excited their hearts as they have learnt about a
wonderful saviour who can give them life and life to the full. Pray for Pastor Silas who has led our studies this week and his family that they will have had a blessed time and for their church in Tacna.
For the team, this has been such a busy week but they is joy that comes in serving God and knowing that you are being used by him. Unfortunately Judith hasn´t been able to join the team so pray that see will find peace and know that God has other plans for her. Pray for Guido as he leads the team, as he keeps track of all the things we have to do and for wisdom as he counsels and guides the team.

(Me, Jorge (MR), David (MR), Andrew Morrow, Chris (former MR))
For me, its been a week of new things. I did my first memory verse in Spanish, have sang in spanish at the talent night and also had a 4 year old correct my spanish. A special moment was when i was practicing my memory verse, four of the girls from the kids club came to chat and let me practice with them and helped me prono
unce a few words. I praise God for his provision in the little things, that i have had such fun with the kids, that i´ve been healthy and surviving late night preparations and spanish translation, that the team have been so patient with me. i´m thankful for Trevor and Christine, Andrew and Rebecca (missionary family who look after mision rescate) for looking after me and for all those from home who have sent emails and facebook, it always brings a smile to hear from home. I imagine that i will ask for pray for my spanish a lot over the next months but as i start to get the hand of simple phrases and sentences i realise how much more there is to learn. Pray that i will find strength and courage in God and serve him and him alone.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong andcourageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Lovely to hear that camp is going so well and you are being so brave with your Spanish! It will get easier. I was at Ilo camps in 1997 with my family - loved it. Rachel Millican, former teacher in Mitchell Memorial school, Moquegua.