Sunday, 27 December 2009
Christmas Greetings
Boxing day was spent in Tacna in the Brew household along with the Morrows, Williamsons and Allister Creelman. We had yet another delicious Christmas dinner and it was great to have a time of fellowship with the other missionaries.
We are heading off today to Ite (the campsite) where we will be based for the rest of our time in Peru. Tomorrow sees the commencement of 'Mision Rescate' where we will be joined with a Peruvian boy and girl and a boy from Argentina.
Pray for us as we begin our work with 'Mision Rescate'
-for team unity
-that God would be glorified
-that we would settle in quickly
Also as we prepare for the 3 Summer camps which begin on the 9th January
-that the children, young people and families would be reached with the Gospel
-that God would be at the centre of everything
Once again thank you for your continued support. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Report from the Jungle
We made the most of the local cuisine, eating fruits that we had never seen before. We were also given monkey to try, which tastes nothing like chicken but is still very nice all the same! On the whole the food was awesome and the fruits were full of flavour.
We went to Puerto Maldanado with 3 other members of the church who had worked there for a period of 3 months. The purpose in being there was to have a baptismal service and to encourage the new believers in the area. There is no local pastor or missionary so the believers need a lot of prayer and encouragement. Fortunately there is a missions team who will be working there to establish a church and to discilple the young believers.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
¡La Selva!
Two young people from the church here in Arequipa worked there for a period of 5 months as part of a missions team. There are a handful of Christians there who don´t have a church. They really need teaching and discipleship. The 3 of us along with Marcos, Marilyn and Bernardo will be leaving on Friday morning and we´ll be back on the 18th just before travelling down to Ilo the next day.
Please pray for us as we travel that´d we´d be kept safe and that God would use us to help encourage and teach the young believers there.
Thankyou for all your prayers. We really appreciate them and need them.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
There ain´t no mountian high enough....
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Schools out for Summer!!!
With a bit of extra time over the past few days, we have been able to use it to help with the various projects in both the church (Pepe and Jardin- schools belonging to the church) and Latin Link (Shalom- Latin Link school)
We head to Puno tomorrow for 5 days to help out with the Christmas Project. Each year churches back home send money to be used in the Sunday schools in Puno. Lourdes Brew heads up and brings clothes for the kids, kind of like a reward at the end of the year and as a special Christmas treat. Its also a time that is used to encourage the Sunday school teachers in the great work they do.
Pray for us
- as we adapt to the change in situation
- as we get more involved in the various projects with the church and Latin Link
- for safely in travelling to Puno
- God might use us in assising Lourdes Brew
Thanks once again for your continued support in prayer, it is greatly appreciated!!
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Meeting Missionaries
Sunday week ago we had the opportunity to meet up with Iain and Heather McKelvie and their 2 children, Philip and Debbie. They are SIM missionaries from Mountpottinger Baptist and have been serving here in Arequipa for around 5 years. It was great to have a time of fellowship in their church cafe and then the following evening in their home (the homemade choc-chip pancakes weren't too bad either!!). They were able to tell us a little bit about the childrens ministries they are involved in. For more information check out
Last Sunday we spent the afternoon in the Turner household, once again they provided wonderful hospitality with a roast beef dinner (champ included!) followed with apple crumble and custard (at Simons request!!!) They have a hectic schedule so it was lovely to spend some time with them outside of the regular church activities.
That evening we were hosted by Steve and Rachel Peat along with their kids Amy, Gareth and Joel. They are from York and have been serving in Arequipa with SIM for around 13 years. It was a brilliant opportunity for us to gain insight into the ministries they are involved in. They gave us lots of kids and youth resources in Spanish (it's extremely diffiucult to find good quality scriptural materials), these will definitely come in useful throughout the rest of the year. You can find out more about the Peat family at
One moring when we arrived into language school, the school´s director told Simon that a friend of his Dad´s was in Arequipa. He gave him a mobile number which resulted in Simon meeting Pastor Spencer Cunnah who is the minister in Wycliffe International Church, Sheffield. He is over for a few days visiting. He then put us in touch with the Peats which was great! It´s a small world!!!
Both the McKelvies and Peats are returning home at the beginning of December until February/March. Pray for them as they leave their ministries and pack things up here in Arequipa, adjusting to life back in the UK. Also as they travel around, speaking at various churches services and meetings, that they will have an impact on those they speak to and that others would be a source of encouragement to them in the wonderful work they are doing here.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
What is Misión Rescate Anyway?
Hi everyone! This is just a quick video post of the Misión Rescate team from last year, which will hopefully explain what we´ll be up to after Christmas when we head down to Ilo, Ite, Moquegua and Tacna. Hopefully it´ll give you a bit of an insight into what we´ll be doing as a team.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Another week has past!
Language classes-everyday we´re in school and are slowly learning (some more slowly than others!) It´s frustrating at times but has been a huge help to us. Please keep praying that we´ll understand more and more.
Lynne´s teaching - Lynne is helping every Tuesday and Friday in a pre-school run by the church. She´s teaching a group of four and five year olds to play jingle bells on the recorder for a Christmas concert.
Children´s home - On Wednesday afternoons Shirley goes to a children´s home just outside of Arequipa, to help for a few hours. Pray for the children who come from some terrible situations.
Discipleship class - Every Tuesday morning Simon meets up with Nelson from the church to have discipleship classes. Please pray that Nelson will grow more and more.
Shalom - Simon has been heading to a special needs school every Monday to help young people in their 20s. They´ll be finishing their studies next year. Please pray that jobs would become available for them.
Thankyou for all your prayers and thoughts. It is an amazing encouragement when we hear that people are praying for us.
Friday, 6 November 2009
The Day of the Dead
The teachers chose an unusual destination for our school trip - The Cemetery! When we arrived the place was packed. It was full of people. There were people running about with ladders and water, others carrying flowers, and many others gathered together around a gravestone. Here in Peru the 2nd November is known as the Day of the Dead.
It was sad to see. Juan Carlos (one of our teachers) told us how he was pleased that God had saved him from all this. He explained to us that any gathered around the graves to pray for the souls of their dead family members and that they believe that on this day the souls of their dead return to the earth. The graves were decorated with flowers to guide them back to the appropiate grave.
Real or not: A Priest paid to pray for one of the dead (although many dress up and pretend
to be Preists on this day to earn a bit of extra money!)
We left the cemetery and travelled to another one at the edge of the city. It was a lot poorer and is used by some very poor people from the sierra. Here people laid food across the grave, listened to a brass band playing and ate and drank.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Anniversaries, Cake and Football!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
The Miraculous Vending Machine
Lynne just stood in front of this woman and non-discreetly took her photo!!
Two weeks ago we decided to go and see a bit more of Arrequipa. We ended up looking around a huge catholic church. There were a lot of statues behind glass, but one in particular stood out. It was a small child with a lot of plastic toy cars piled up to its knees. In school one of our teachers said that many believe that the child Jesus is a miraculous child who grants many miracles. People come to his statue, give it a plastic toy, and expect to recieve a miracle.
It is incredibly sad the mentality that many have. They want to use God as a miracle vending machine. They want the blessings of God but care nothing about having a relationship with the God of blessings.
Please pray that many would have this superstitious hold broken. Pray that God would reach into the lives of many here, that they´d be able to know and love Him, that they would know what it is to believe in Jesus, have their sins forgiven and be eternally secure. Pray that God would change them.
From One Primary School to Another!
Please pray for her with the language barrier and also that the children would be impacted by the difference that Jesus has made in her life.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
On Monday morning Simon met with Nelson for the discipleship class. They looked at how a Christian should face the daily battle with temptation. Nelson is very keen to learn and just wants to follow God. They´re meeting again on Wednesday morning in Nelson´s home which is about an hour away from the church. He´s getting lunch there with the family so he can´t complain! Please keep praying for Nelson.
Shirley and Lynne were roped into helping organise the women´s meeting on Friday night because the Pastor´s wife hasn´t been too well. So a few of the women in church are now professionals in making 15s! Someone from church led the Bible Study and the night seemed to go well.
The Saturday night we went to the youth meeting. Only 8 were there in total which was less than the last one but still very worth wild. Simon had the chance to share a short message with the young people which hopefully they understood!
Thanks especially for praying for the Sunday School during the church service. We had 8 lively children for ... an hour and a half!!! But we really enjoyed it. We got to teach them the next lesson in the life of David, which was David and Absalom and talked about how we can think that there is no way we´d ever be as rebellious as Absalom and do the things he did, but in reality all of us have rebelled against God and need His forgiveness. We had a quiz too which was great fun and reinforced the story before they got stuck into their worksheets and played games. Please keep praying that something said might stick with them and be used by God, if not now in the future, to bring them to Himself.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. With little language and with being in a new culture it does make it more difficult so your prayers are really appreciated!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Busy Week Ahead!
As well there is a discipleship programme beginning this week, which Simon is able to be involved in. Please pray for Nelson and Rezar who are both in their 20s and want to learn more about the Bible through this course.
Please pray that we´d continue to learn and understand more of the language. It can be very frustrating and tiring at times. This week our classes have changed again - Shirley is in school 8.30-12.00, Lynne 10.30-2.00 and Simon 2.30-6.00. Please pray that we´d be able to communicate well with others.
Also please pray that we´d get to know the young people in the church more and more. This week we´ve been able to get to know Abel who has been teaching Simon how to cook...he needs it! He has been here most mornings cooking lunch for us. It turns out Abel is a chef in a 3-star restaurant so we´ve been getting meals which normally cost up to $30...which has been great!
Thankyou for all your prayers. It´s really encouraging to hear that people are praying for us and we hope that with all we have to do this week that God would use us.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
A day in the life of Simon, Shirley and Lynne
We thought it was time to fill you in on what a typical day is like here in Arequipa
7.00am- A time of prayer and devotions as a team
7.30am- Breakfast
8.00am- Shirley and Lynne leave for school
8.30am- School begins with Grammar class
10.00am- break time
10.30am- One-to-one conversation class
12.00am- School ends...walk home
1.00pm- Lunch
2.00pm- Simon leaves for school
2.30pm-School begins for Simon with grammer class
4.30pm- Conversation class
6.00pm- School finishes
Any free time during the day is usually spent doing homeworks, emails, updating blogs, washing etc etc
Every evening we have something to keep ourselves occupied too.....
Monday- Church cell group
This is a small Bible study group which meets every Monday at Paul and Ruth Turners. Last Monday there were around 5 Peruvian young people. Everyone shared a little about a verse from the Bible that meant something to them. Paul did a great job translating so we all gained something from it.
Tuesday- Latin Link Prayer group/meeting with Latin Link Striders
Wednesday- Free until we are given something to do!!Thursday- Church prayer meeting
Friday- Church Ladies meeting (for Shirley and Lynne......Simon watches a film at Paul´s house!)Last Friday Shirley and Lynne has their first experience of a Peruvian Ladies meeting, where sewing skills were tested when they had to make flower badges to be sewn onto a t-shirt! It was a good opportunity to meet with the ladies from the church though!
Saturday- Simon plays football in the morning with others from the Language School. He leaves at a quarter to eight in the morning and comes back wrecked! Last week he went for the first time and came back scunnered after trying to play in the altitude!
Saturday evening - Youth meeting (alternate weeks)
Last Saturday we were able to go to the church youth meeting. We got to play football with our ankles stuck together with need for insurance policies here!! The losers got to do a forfeit. We also played a form of tug of war which ended in a number of people getting rope burns, but it was great banter!
We had a church fellowship lunch on Sunday afternoon, which allowed us to try out some Peruvian dishes again.
Life goes on and many things that were strange a few weeks ago are now normal!! Thanks for taking the time to read our blog.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Week One Completed in Arequipa
On Sunday morning we bid farewell to Gordon and Tom and the fun
begins.......We experienced our first of many Peruvian Sunday schools and
church services. This was somewhat different from services back at home, the
service lasted around 2 hours which was quite intense with the lack of
Spanish on Shirley and Lynnes part!! However it was a great opportunity to
meet some of the people we will be spending the next 2 months with.
On Monday we had our first day of language school. We have 2 classes every day, an hour and a half of grammar and then an hour an a half of one-to-one conversation class, so there is no place to hide!!!! We didn´t quite realise the intensity of the classes and the homework that follows. However, the teachers are great craic and we are enjoying meeting lots of other foreign students. Shirley and Lynne got a special welcome with another cake and happy birthday being sung in 5 different languages.
In the afternoon we had a birthday lunch and then visited the Juanita the Ice Princess after the recommendation of Gordon. She was an Inca sacrifice who was found frozen at the top of a mountain a number of years ago.
Monday evening was our first Church cell group at Paul and Ruths home. Here we received MORE birthday cake and got a chance to get to know some of the young people from the church.
Tuesday evening was an opportunity to meet the Latin Link Team who are situated in Arequipa. There were 4 generations of Latin Link missionaries present at the meeting and it was great to join with them for a time of prayer and fellowship.
Wednesday was a day full of learning, we attended the Spanish class in the morning and then came home for a special class on 'washing our clothes'. There are apparently a variety of ways to wash your clothes by hand. Simon kindly took time out to show us his very special technique where you fill a sink, put in detergent, wash, rinse, shake then hang on a washing line- all very technical......Thank-you Simon!!
Thursday was a national holiday so no school...yeahhhhh!! We made the most of a free day and headed out to the country with the other Latin Link short termers and Ruth Turner. We visited some sort of mill, it was lovely to get our of the city for a while. We finished up the afternoon with a BBQ.
Thanks again for following our blog.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Busy Times!

In the evening we headed into Arequipa centre with Ruth as our tour guide, showing us some of the sights and how not to get lost. The night was ended by visiting a church cafe where we chatted and played games (Haly Galy) with some of those from the church.
Work beings properly on Monday when not only will we be attending language school but also getting involved with the different ministries within the church.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
We´re Alive!!!!

The next day we flew to Tacna where we were able to use the Brew´s house as our base. It was brilliant to see John and Lourdes along with their Son-In-Law,daughter and two grandchildren. Stephanie, who was the grandchild of 8, thought it would be hilarious to turn Simon into a Pirate. Gordon, the director of Baptist Missions, was next in line to be attacked by the face painter but carefully evaded the situation by threatening to fire her grandad!!! (Only joking!)
On Wednesday we were sent in different directions to spend 6 hours with 3 separate families. We woke up to find the table spread for breakfast before going to the seminary. There we met 3 of the pastors who took us to different homes. Simon and Shirley were treated to a second breakfast when they arrived! It was a good start to the day. Simon then went with Pastor Abram who took him to do chruch visits. A starter and main cousre was produced for them at the third home before they headed to see Wilmar from church who made a Peruvian dish called ceviche (a dish of raw fish covered in lemon...delicious!) So he didn´t do too badly having 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches! He´ll be massive by the time he gets home!
After breakfast Shirley headed into Tacna Centre with 2 young people from the Luz de Vida Church, while Lynne went with Pastor Quintin to a family where she visited the dentist and peeled potatoes. It was difficult to make conversation but the Peruvians were patient and the dictionaries came in very handy!
This morning we left Tacna after our "whistle stop tour" and travelled to Ite where we had a 15 minute tour of the campsite. Ilo was our next port of call where we had lunch with Christine Morrow. It was great to see Christine although we only had an hour with her before we had to catch the bus for our 5 hour journey to Arequipa.
In Arequipa we met Ruth and Paul Turner from Latin Link. They´re helping us get settled in to life here. We are really glad to be here and can´t wait to get stuck into the language school and the church where we are staying. Tomorrow morning we´re heading to the market to buy the two main essentials ... food and bog roll!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.
We´ll hopefully keep you updated as much as possible!
Saturday, 5 September 2009
The Count Down is On!
This year won´t be easy and we know that we´ll meet many challenges during our time in Peru. For one thing we will be living in another culture and speaking another language (or should we say attempting to speak another language!) It will also be difficult to be separated by over 6000 miles from family and friends back here in Ireland.
However in all this we know that the God whom we know and love here in Northern Ireland is the same God who will be with us in Peru. He never changes and already knows what lies ahead of us in Peru.
Please do pray for us while we are away.
Pray for-
- Safety as we travel
- Unity within the team
- Language studies
- that people would be reached with the gospel
- the missionaries - that they would be encouraged
- that we would depend fully on God
Thankyou for all your support and prayer,
Lynne, Shirley and Simon